Endobiogenic Medicine

Endobiogenic Medicine is an integrated system of medicine based on understanding the relationship between the Endocrine System and the Nervous system. This approach to medicine was conceived by a French doctor, Dr Christian Durraffourd, and was further developed in collaboration with Dr Jean Claude Lapraz over a period of 40 years.

The theory of endobiogenic medicine considers the endocrine system to be the true manager of the body as it directs the function of every cell and responds to signals from the nervous system. Drs Durraffourd and Lapraz were influenced by the previous work of Hans Seyle with regard to how the nervous system, influences our health.

The approach of this form of medicine is particularly suited to chronic disease, where diagnosis is often unclear, or where there are several overlapping conditions. It is possible to have blood tests which show no abnormalities within normal parameters and for someone to still feel unwell.

Endobiogenic medicine takes into account the results of blood tests, but interprets them via a computerised system called Biology of Functions in order to attain a complex picture of what the internal environment of the body is adapting to, It helps to find patterns of in-balance, in order that these may be re-balanced using herbs, as these are well suited to encouraging the body’s self-healing capacity. It is a mathematical system where different blood elements are divided by various ratios in order to assess and understand neuro-endocrine activity.

Imbalances occur within the body, often over months and years, before the manifestation of disease. These imbalances, can be caused by a mixture of elements; such as the family terrain you are born with, your diet and lifestyle, exposure to viruses, stress, accidents and trauma. During a consultation, great emphasis is put on the history and time line of a person’s health, in order to understand the development and triggers of disease.


https://www.endobiogeny.com/  American Society of Endobiogenic Medicine and Integrative Physiology
